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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!

The teachers of this year are Amy Dowling (Jet Class), Zoe Cutting (Indigo Class) and Alice Webber (Indigo). The classes are also supported by Tonya Ball, Gemma Randall, Debs Petrie and Lucy Taylor.


Homework will be set weekly and will be comprised of one piece of Maths and one piece of Literacy linked to our grammar learning. Pupils will be expected to complete both pieces​ of homework in their homework folder, to be handed in on Monday for marking.


P.E. lessons will take place on a Tuesday afternoon for Term 1 and we will be Swimming during Terms 1&2 which will be our second P.E. slot (Indigo Class on a Monday and Jet Class on a Friday); Term 3-6 P.E. day to be confirmed.

Please ensure that your child has a named P.E. Kit (a white t-shirt, black shorts and plimsolls) and suitable Games Kit (a white t-shirt, black shorts or trousers, a sports jumper, trainers) in school at all times.

Topics for 2015-16

Autumn Term Topics

Term 1 - Pharaohs
Term 2 - Princes, Peasants and Pestilence

Spring Term Topics

 Term 3 - Stargazers

Term 4 - Allotment


Summer Term Topics

Term 5 - Alchemy Island
Term 6 - Scream Machine


Year 5 Curriculum Coverage
