Our school day currently has the following timing and proceedures.
7:45 Breakfast club starts - Entry via the hall door.
08:35 - The main gate to the junior playground opens and children enter the site from this location only. A member of school staff will always be posted at this location should you wish to speak to someone. Enquiries and messages should go via the school office.
08:45 - Gate closes and all children arriving from this point on should enter via the main office. Registers are now closed and childrenw ill need to sign in at the office and book their lunch options.
0845 - Morning work. This is an essential part of the day where children are caught up on work they have either missed the previous day or not understood correctly. Other children will be doing their arithmetic skills or next steps (challenges) set by their teacher from yesterday's learning.
09:00 - Assembly
09:15 - Lesson 1 -> Break -> Lesson 2 - These sessions have fluid timings depending on the content of each lesson.
11:45 - EYFS Lunch
12:00 - Lunch Sitting 1
12:30 - Lunch Sitting 2
13:00 - Afternoon lessons begin.
15:00 - Collection for EYFS children.
15:10 - Collection for Years 1-6.
17:45 - After school club closes.
For a child arriving at 08:35 there is 32 hours and 55 minutes of available school per week.