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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!

The teachers of this year are Tanya Moore (Gold) Hannah Danson (Yellow). The classes are also supported by Karen Grace and Kirsty Marsh.



Your child will be heard reading in school each week and reading books will be changed when required.  It is essential that your child reads at home every day.  Reading as often as possible is key to your child’s future learning.



Homework will be set every Friday and we would be very grateful if it was back in by the following Thursday.



PE is on Thursday but please ensure that the children have their full PE kits in school Monday to Friday. Children may wear dark coloured tracksuit bottoms for outdoor PE and trainers are welcomed. Please ensure long hair is tied back.

Topics for 2015-16

Autumn Term Topics

  • Wriggle and Crawl
  • Land Ahoy!

Spring Term Topics

  • Muck, mess and mixtures
  • Towers, tunnels and turrets

Summer Term Topics

  • The Scented Garden
  • Street detectives


Year 2 Curriculum Coverage
