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Home Learning

Remote Learning


Remote learning is currently not offered unless a child is being taught off-site for a significant time. In this event, we would look to implement a bespoke method of delivering the curriculum. For short term absences where a child is still able to work but unable to attend school we will prepare appropriate home learning opportunities.




After significant consultation with parents, staff and pupils we do not set 'traditional' homework at The Churchill School. 


Instead we strongly encourage that everyone sticks to the basics: read for at least 10 minutes wih an adult each day and practice your times tables as often as you can! Additionally we offer termly overviews with suggestions for activities you can do as a family to enrich your child's learning experience. 













Useful Links


BBC Bitesize

The Oak National Academy


A look back to home learning during Covid-19 lockdowns @ The Churchill School

Since September 2020, everyone here at The Churchill School in Folkestone have been working flat out behind the scenes to prepare a home learning provision to meet the unique needs of our wonderful community! Almost every available staff training time has been used by the teachers to learn new skills in video recording, editing, streaming and inspired them to start their own YouTube channels.
